Oso Technologies

About Oso Technologies
Oso Technologies is a local startup based in Champaign, Illinois. It was founded by three University of Illinois graduates who wanted to make an internet connected plant moisture monitor.
What Oso Needed
Oso had plans for a responsive version of their dashboard app. An early version of it was featured in their Kickstarter video, built on AngularJS. Already in progress was the iOS version of the dashboard app, but they still needed a version of the app to work on non-iOS devices and on desktop web browsers.
What Heavy Code Did
We integrated into their development team and took ownership of the front-end which we built using AngularJS. Along with the JavaScript code, we designed the UI and created many of the graphical elements. We helped make many of the decisions needed to build a successful cloud-based application. Part of our task was making sure that the worked on the myriad of devices out there, so we built a custom responsive framework to ensure compatability.